Why You Need to Test Blister Packaging In Pharmaceuticals Industry

In the highly regulated pharmaceutical industry, ensuring the integrity of blister packaging is paramount. Blister packs are commonly used for their durability, ease of use, and ability to protect medications from environmental factors. However, without rigorous testing, these advantages can quickly turn into liabilities. Here’s why testing blister packaging is essential in the pharmaceutical sector.

1. Ensuring Product Integrity and Safety

The primary function of blister packaging is to safeguard the medication from external contaminants, moisture, and physical damage. Testing ensures that each blister pack is perfectly sealed and intact. Even a small compromise in the seal can lead to contamination, potentially rendering the medication ineffective or harmful. This is especially crucial for sensitive pharmaceuticals that can degrade quickly when exposed to air or moisture.

2. Compliance with Regulatory Standards

Pharmaceutical products are subject to stringent regulatory requirements to ensure patient safety and efficacy. Regulatory bodies such as the FDA and EMA mandate rigorous testing protocols for pharmaceutical packaging. By testing blister packs, manufacturers can ensure compliance with these standards, avoiding costly recalls and legal issues. Non-compliance can not only lead to financial losses but also damage the company’s reputation.

3. Maintaining Sterility

Sterility is non-negotiable in the pharmaceutical industry. Blister packaging must maintain its sterility from the point of manufacture to the delivery to the end user. Testing blister packs helps to confirm that the packaging is hermetically sealed, preventing any microbial contamination that could compromise the sterility of the medication.

4. Preventing Dosage Errors

Accurate dosing is critical in pharmaceuticals. Defective blister packaging can lead to dosage errors, where tablets or capsules may be missing, broken, or contaminated. Such errors can have serious health implications for patients. Regular testing ensures that each blister pack dispenses the correct dose, maintaining the therapeutic efficacy of the medication.

5. Enhancing Consumer Confidence

Patients rely on pharmaceutical companies to provide safe and effective medications. Visible defects in blister packaging can erode consumer confidence, even if the medication itself is unaffected. By rigorously testing blister packs, companies can reassure consumers of the quality and safety of their products, fostering trust and loyalty.

Dynascan’s Solutions for Blister Packaging Testing

At Dynascan, we offer state-of-the-art testing solutions designed to meet the unique needs of the pharmaceutical industry. Our products, such as the MediTEST and LeakVIEW systems, provide comprehensive and reliable testing for blister packaging.


The MediTEST system offers advanced, non-destructive testing by measuring the reactive force generated by the packaging under vacuum. This ensures that the seal integrity is uncompromised, without damaging the packaging itself.


LeakVIEW provides visual detection of leaks through bubble emissions, burst testing, or altitude simulation testing. This versatile system is ideal for a range of packaging types within the pharmaceutical industry, ensuring that all blister packs meet the highest standards of integrity and safety.


Testing blister packaging in the pharmaceutical industry is not just a regulatory requirement but a critical step in ensuring product safety, maintaining sterility, preventing dosage errors, and enhancing consumer confidence. With Dynascan’s cutting-edge testing solutions, pharmaceutical companies can confidently validate their packaging, ensuring that their products are safe, effective, and compliant with industry standards.

For more information on our bespoke testing solutions, contact Dynascan today and discover how we can help you maintain the highest standards of packaging integrity.